Engineering Linux

Wait, is that an STM32 in my RGB controller?

One of the first things I tried to do with my Dell G5 5505 SE was trying to see if I could figure out what the RGB controller is doing. Looking through the files belonging to Dell in the Program Files directory on Windows, the directory Firmware stood out immediately. Looking into it, I found two Intel Hex formatted files:

$ ls Firmware/ELC/
elc-dfu-gcc-v0.0.2.hex*  elc-iar-v1.0.12.hex*

OK, that’s interesting. Unpacking them using objcopy:

$ objcopy -I ihex -O binary Firmware/ELC/elc-dfu-gcc-v0.0.2.hex ~/dfu.bin
$ strings ~/dfu.bin | tail
YI      }I
       DFU Config
DFU Interface
DFU in FS Mode
@Internal Flash   /0x08000000/6*02Ka,58*02Kg

Oh! So it’s not encrypted, and this firmware belongs to some sort of STM32 chip! What does the other firmware have in store for us?

$ objcopy -I ihex -O binary Firmware/ELC/elc-iar-v1.0.12.hex ~/iar.bin
gabriel@diamante /mnt/Gaia/Program Files/Alienware/Alienware Command Center  
$ strings ~/iar.bin | grep stm32

Oh. That’s nice and convenient. This is some sort of STM32F0 chip, with USB support. Additionally, we know Dell is using STM32’s HAL, or at least some version of it.

So, from all of this it really looks like Dell is using the DFU support from the STM32 to flash it. From our ACPI experimentation, we can force the STM32 to boot into DFU mode by forcing BOOT0 high and resetting the chip.

By using dfu-util, and trial and error, I was able to determine that this chip has 128KB of flash. And after some poking around in the binary firmware, and comparing the implementation of the SDK being used, I was able to narrow down to the HAL version and the chip must be some variant of the STM32F070xB.

I’ve studied the DFU part of the firmware in some depth, but I have not had the time to dive into the part that actually manages the USB hardware. There are bugs there that I’d like the fix (controller crashes if there are too many incoming commands).

Back when I was working more actively on this I wrote a section on the AW-ELC RGB controller in the OpenRGB’s wiki, from online sources and my own experimentation. This information is enough to write some code to talk to the controller over USB HID and program animations and change keyboard brightness intensity.

I’ve made some sample applications on my gitlab showing how to talk to the controller on Linux. It generates a couple of binaries, of which status, reset, and toggle are more interesting. status prints all of the status registers of the RGB controller, reset resets the contents of the controller to that of the Dell G5 5505 SE default settings, and toggle cycles through the intensity values (0 being bright to 100 being dim, inclusive) of a little file at ~/.config/aw_elc/dim to control the keyboard brightness. I’ve been using toggle for some years now to toggle my keyboard brightness on and off, so hopefully this can be useful to someone else too (or if nothing else, as an example of how to talk to this RGB controller).

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